Saturday, December 4, 2010

Too Much Information

Never before in the history of mankind have we had so much information.  Suddenly our generation is aware of climate change, carbon levels in the atmosphere, how much oil is left in the ground and how humans are contributing to the problems.  Now that we know these things, the question is:  how do we deal with them? 

If we know that we are at peak oil and that oil dependent things are just going to get more and more expensive. . . .  If we know that the climate is changing and we know that water is going to be a huge issue for the planet. . . . . . If we know that driving our cars to and from work is causing more and more carbon in the atmosphere (not to mention heating our homes in this extreme weather). . . . .     What can we do??? 

One option is to believe it's all going to be fine because somehow we will have some techno fix to solve the problems and continue living life as if nothing were wrong.  Another option is to leave Alaska and move to a place where you don't have to heat so much or drive so far.  A third option is to plan for the descent; to plan to live in Alaska like we did pre-pipeline days. 

This is a blog for folks who want to contribute to positive ideas about staying in Anchorage and living a good life:  growing more of our own food, learning how to store food, and sharing tools and expertise with our neighbors. 

Feel free to post and or make comments here.  It's good to know there are others out there thinking similarly and not drowning in despair.  Was it Einstein who said, "If you can dream it, you can do it?"  Let's do it!

1 comment:

  1. "Never before in the history of mankind have we had so much information."

    That reminded me of Elizabeth Kapu'uwailani Lindsey's quote at the Bioneers Conference:

    "We are bloated with information but starved for wisdom"
